Friday, October 8, 2010

I took the day off to EFF OFF!!

Well, I am off from my 75 hours of hell a week for the first time in 2 months.

I was suppose to drive to Mohegan Sun today to see a friend (ex boyfriend that don't ever make time for me.) I haven't seen in over a year. But I decided to sit on my Fat Ass (It's really not fat its just an expression. Its actually quite nice. LOL) and watch TV all day long.

I started managing a gas station/restaurant two months ago and I cannot believe how draining it is!! I mean seriously... I will give you some examples.

  • a 65 year old blind man solicited me for Sex with him and his wife!
  • Gas Pumps always going down and NO GAS!!
  • Angry customers because there is NO GAS!!!
  • Customers threatening to beat up my employees because of a language barrier.
  • People looking down on Clerks and treating them differently.
  • Customers thinking I am uneducated and dumb because I work at a Gas Station
  • People thinking I don't speak English and I try to take advantage of that Situtation.
  • Realizing that the whole world SMOKES!! I mean really smokes!!!!
  • Selling Blunts, Cigars Papers & Tobacco Paraphernalia and knowing its not for Tobacco.
  • How many young kids chew tobacco. Yuck! Sell over 150 tins a day. All College Students!
  • How much weight you can lose without eating and standing for 12 hours a day.
  • Underage kids handing over ID for cigarettes thinking I am stupid and can't figure out they are too young.
  • Seeing people try to run scams with fake $100.00 bills.
  • Meeting crooks trying to scam and do a Bait-and-switch with FAKE Phone Cards.
  • Seeing how many people don't sign the back of there Credit Cards!
  • Noticing how many people need a new Credit Card cause the strip is bad & not fixing it.
  • Being able to guess what people will buy and there names before they speak.
  • Collecting Silver Quarters.
  • Knowing all the prices & locations of all brands of Cigarettes by heart.
  • Working 12 Hours a day for Minimum wage and being unappreciated all the way around.
Well, as you can see. Draaaaaining. I do love my boys though. I have a whole bunch of guys working at the establishment as they go to a local language School to learn English. They are hard workers, smart, kind and a blessing to me.

I feel like I was put there to learn about Muslims, Judaism and Turkish Cultures. I have also been teaching them English and the definitions of many words. Many, I didn't even realize the definition, myself. So, its been a learning experience all the way around. I have also taught them all about Christianity, Spiritualism and the American way of Life.

Its been a rough, fun and interesting two months. I have learned so much about life. Good and Bad Business, other lands, People in general, Patience, Kindness, Love & Faith.

I find I am a little bit closer to Perfection.. if that makes any sense. What I mean is.. I strive to be a perfect living person. I try and go through life and be nice to everyone. I find.. that is few and far between. I am one of the only ones practicing this each and every day.

I get taken advantage of a lot. I am considered a push-over. I am also smarter then these people who think they are actually getting ahead by taking advantage of a good hearted persons nature. I just sit back watch and laugh. I realize they have a lot to still learn here.

I have definitely learned who actually deserves my kindness and who does not. I seriously just learned this in the last month. I am in my 30's. It took me this damn long?? I guess it did. Mind Blowing.

Kindness, Trust and Respect are all earned traits. I pay you that respect when we meet for the first time. If you don't continue to show me the same.. in return. Your Full Tank has now gone from 100% full to say 75% full. Yep. This is my new Practice. This individual may not notice the difference, because I am always nice. But believe me, my guard is now up and I am just showing you fluff. ;-)

Anyway.. Man, this day off put me on a tangent didn't it. Hehe hee.

I love my life. The good and the Bad. I learn from everything. I live each day as if it were my last. Today is a Gift. Thats why its the Present.

Go out and Enjoy it. Be Kind. Be Nice and..

Always look out for #1, But don't step in #2.

1 comment:

  1. It ALL makes sense especially re: being closer to perfection:) Love, love, love.."Guard is up and just showing you fluff"!!! Have you been in my head cause I'm feeling the same WAY!! Have a GREAT day!!...LOL xxoo Charlene
